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MS21 and RealTalk MS join forces once more to bring you two new podcast episodes!

31 January 2024

Jon Strum launched his RealTalk MS series in 2017 as a forum to discuss the latest news and issues related to multiple sclerosis (MS), in an easy and accessible podcast format. Each week, he invites a variety of guest speakers onto his show to talk about the issues that matter to the MS community and has obtained tens of thousands of listeners.

As part of this series, the MS in the 21st Century (MS21) initiative was lucky enough to collaborate with Jon on two brand new podcast episodes, which are available on demand now.

The first episode explores the invisible symptoms of MS and how patients can be empowered to talk about their symptoms with their healthcare teams. ‘Invisible symptoms’ refer to any symptoms noticed by people living with MS (PwMS), butwhich the PwMS may be unsure if they are related to MS or to things like other illnesses or aging. These symptoms are considered to be invisible, as they may be not be picked up by a medical test or scan. This episode features Professor Klaus Schmierer, a professor of neurology at the Blizard Institute in Queen Mary’s University of London, and Jane Shanahan, a patient advocate for PwMS, who offer the complementary perspectives of a healthcare professional and a patient.

The second podcast episode considers whether the needs of PwMS are being met at diagnosis and features Professor Alice Laroni, a professor of neurology at the University of Genoa, and Rachel Horne, a journalist and person living with MS in the UK. Together with Jon, Alice and Rachel discuss the highly variable experience of diagnosis among PwMS due to individual differences but also their healthcare provider, and how PwMS could be supported at this difficult and often bewildering stage of their patient journey.

Remember to check back regularly for new collaborative podcast episodes on the MS21 updates page here.